Questions & Answers


  • Tax free lease
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  • Definition

    If you are a US citizen or an European expatriate living outside of the European Union (or DOM TOM), you may hire a brand-new car, registered underf your name and totally tax-free.


    European law allows non-residents, regardless of their nationality, to benefit from preferential rates when visiting Europe.

    Major manufacturers such as Renault, Peugeot Citroën and DS offer vehicles in temporary transit (TT), the “red license plates”

    Great, but what is it?

    A unique buy-back system, which guarantees the recovery of the vehicle when you leave, with simplified administrative management. It is like a fixed-term purchase, and at an unbeatable price.

    What are the necessary conditions to benefit from the French short-term car lease?

    Be a full-time resident of a country outside the European Union (or a DOM / TOM)
    Not engaging in a paid activity during your stay (unless your salary comes from a non-EU source)
    Your stay in the European Union must be temporary (at least 14 consecutive days)
    On average, contracts last from one week (or even less) to six months - 355 days for students, journalists, project managers, interns, etc. - Contact Us more detailed information on long term car leases. At the end of your stay, the manufacturers commit contractually to buy back the vehicle, without additional changes. The car is then put on sale in the second-hand market through the maker’s network.

    A short term car lease becomes increasingly interesting - financially - over medium contracts (3 weeks duration) and are particularly advantageous for long stays - 6 to 12 months - when the visitor applies for the conditions. The price cannot vary nor be modified. If, for example, the car is returned with an almost empty tank, or lightly scrached, there will be no additional costs.

    Important note: non-compressible delivery times. The TT cannot be organized in a very short delay. In general, it takes 19 days for the delivery of car in Paris City, Orly or Roissy CDG. Quite a bit more in other cities in France or Europe. Also to be considered: in order to change your return or drop-off location, you are to notify the center of your choice at least 4 days in advance, to arrange for a new appointment. Prices are also non-deuctible.

    Do you have any questions, want a quote or would like to share your remarks with us? Please Contact Us for a reply within 24 hours maximum.

  • What is the difference between the TT and a car rental?

    There are a few key differences between a car rental and a short-term car lease in Europe:

    Length of the agreement: Car rentals are typically shorter in duration, lasting from a few days to a few weeks, while short-term car leases can range from a few weeks to a few months.

    Level of commitment: Car rentals are generally more flexible, with no long-term commitment required. Short-term car leases, on the other hand, typically involve a longer-term commitment, although they are still less binding than a traditional car lease.

    Level of commitment: Car rentals are more flexible, with no long-term commitment required. Short-term car leases, on the other hand, typically involve a longer-term commitment, although they are still less binding than a traditional car lease.

    Cost: Car rentals are more expensive daily, but the overall cost may be lower for shorter rentals. Short-term car leases can be more cost-effective for longer rentals, as the cost is spread over a longer period.

    Vehicle selection: Car rental companies usually have a wider selection of vehicles available, including economy cars, luxury vehicles, and specialty vehicles like vans and SUVs, but typically you get the car that they assign you and may not choose the model nor level of equipment. Short-term car lease programs may have a more limited selection of vehicles available, but you select the model, level of equipment, engine type and transmission. Leased vehicles are always brand-new.

    Insurance : Both car rentals and short-term car leases offer insurance as part of the cost. However, leases include a full risk insurance without a waiver in the price as standard, while the specifics of these provisions will differ between rental companies.

    In sum:

    - You choose the make, model, engine and transmission
    - The car is brand new
    - The registration and insurance are established in your name, so you may cross any border within the EU
    - One-way in France included (return to a different agency). You may change the return centre until 4 days prior to drop off
    - Full-risk insurance without waiver and 24/7 assistance included
    - A 24 months warranty
    - Free GPS
    - Unlimited mileage
    - Accessible to drivers from 18 years of age
    - All major equipments are explained by an agent on delivery
    - No need to return the car with a full tank

  • Who is eligible to a tax free short term lease ?

    To benefit from the Tax Free Lease regime on a regular basis you must:

    Have your normal residence outside the customs territory of the European Union or in a DOM or TOM
    Stay in the European Union temporarily
    You may not exercise any paid activity during your stay

    These conditions are cumulative.

    Your spouse, ascendants and direct descendants, may use your vehicle - registered under this regime - if they meet these conditions themselves. No other user is authorised.

    Note :
    May also benefit from a Tax Free Lease

    - Students
    - People coming to do an internship or a mission
    - Journalists

    The granting conditions are the same as in the previous case.

    Definition of internship:

    It is the acquisition of training or development in professional, artistic or cultural fields.

    Definition of a mission:

    It is the exercise, on a provisional basis, by the employee of an establishment located outside the European Community, of a professional activity leading to his own training or to the enrichment of the establishment reception.

    For these cases, as for students carrying out paid work incidental to their training, the condition relating to the absence of gainful activity is lifted.

    Beneficiaries by way of exemption:

    Persons who, within a maximum period of six months from their return to the national territory inside the EU, are reassigned outside the European Community. The regime is granted to them for the sole duration of their stay in Europe within this maximum limit of six months.
    Persons residing in the European Community, and who are about to transfer their residence to a third country. They must prove the the imminent change of residence. The regime is granted to them for three months, with no possible extension of this period.

    French Customs Source: https://www.douane.gouv.fr/fiche/achat-dun-vehicule-lors-dun-sejour-temporaire-en-france

  • Am I eligible to a tax free lease?

    If :

    Your main residence is outside of the European Union territory
    You do not exercise a paid activity in any of the European countries during the entire duration of your stay
    Your stay in one or several of the 28 EU member states is temporary
    You are at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license, recognized in the countries you cross

    Yes! You are eligible for a short term car lease

  • What are the cancellation fees?

    Cancellation is free up to 31 days before the delivery date.

    In the event of cancellation occurring 30 days or less before the delivery date, a cancellation fee of 300 € will be systematically charged, unless the vehicle is already registered. In this case, the cancellation fee amounts to 1000 €.

    Note that, according to current banking agreements, banks prohibit refunds on credit cards if the payment was made 30 days or more ago. If this is your case, we will then ask for your bank details and will refund the amount to your bank account.

  • What does the insurance cover?

    Your vehicle is delivered with a full coverage insurance, with no excess.

    - Stolen personal effects, objects and accessories are not refunded nor covered by the insurance.

    Here is the full coverage detail:

    1 – Damage to third-parties


    Covers the civil liability of the insured party in accordance to the article L211-1 of the French Insurance Code.
    The insurer covers damages caused to third parties (passengers, property or persons outside the vehicle) by the vehicle when in motion or stationary.
    Limits applicable to the amounts of the guarantee:

    * bodily harm: no limits
    * material damage: €100,000,000 with the sublimits below :
    - material damage by fire or explosion: €10,000,000 per claim
    - accidental material damage to the environment (accidental pollution) : €10,000,000 per claim
    - material damage to the aircraft : €1,120,000 per claim
    * consequential immaterial damages to an accident : 10,000,000 € per claim


    Defense: Whenever the responsibility of the insured person can be sought, the insurer shall cover the costs relative to the protection of his financial interests in accordance with the clauses B-1 of
    chapter VII of the General Conditions.

    Recourse: The insurer shall act on behalf of the insured in order to obtain from any responsible third party reparation of the damages sustained by the insurer in case of accident.. Expenses to be
    exposed by the insurer for fees related to the accident investigation and or expert services are capped at 10.000 Euros.
    Advance payment on reparation: this guarantee provides the owner of the insured vehicle with a 20.000 Euros maximum advance payment of the compensation to which he/she is entitled, as a
    result of the damage caused to the vehicle provided this damage has been caused by a vehicle belonging to an identified third party, registered in France, with valid insurance in France and whose
    liability is established.


    Guarantee per incident according to the clauses of the Legal Protection Annex XAUT 315 12/08.

    2 – Damage suffered by the vehicle

    The guarantees are granted to the value say by the expert of the insured vehicle the day of the incident (chapter VII of the General Conditions excluding light vehicles related to the compensation in
    conventional value.


    The insurer covers in full direct material damage resulting from the following:
    During transportation by land, or stones, avalanches, hail, tornado, mudslide.

    Exclusions: punctures tires, damage caused by poor maintenance, wear to the vehicle or falling accessories; partial damage during transportation by sea or air; damages or breakdowns covered by the manufacturer’s warranty (see the Warranty Book)

    Direct damage caused by fire, explosions (including terrorist attacks), lightning and storms are covered.
    The guarantee covers without excess the value of the insured vehicle established by an assessor on the day of the incident (see Chapter VII of the General Conditions).


    Damage caused by the theft or attempted theft of the insured vehicle are covered.
    The guarantee covers without excess the value of the insured vehicle established by an assessor on the day of the incident (see Chapter VII of the General Conditions).

    2d – GLASS PARTS (Vehicle of less than 3.5 tons only)

    Damage to windows and glass or organic glass parts (windscreens, rear windows, side windows, door windows, lights, sun roofs) is covered. The guarantee covers without excess the cost of


    In accordance with articles L 125-1 and L125-2 of the French Insurance Code, this guarantee applies to damage caused essentially by abnormally violent natural phenomena.
    This guarantee is conditional on the publication of an interministerial notice in the Official Journal of the French Republic decreeing a state of natural disaster. Geographical scope: mainland France
    and Corsica. Application of a legal excess (€380 per vehicle from 01 / 01 / 2010)

    3 – Bodily harm to passengers


    Covers all persons transported free of charge or driving the insured vehicle with the permission of the owner or the policyholder.
    Amount of compensation:

    Medical costs limited to €5,000 per injured person;
    Benefit of €38,000 for total permanent disability;
    Benefit of €16,000 in the event of death.

    Note: this compensation is paid in addition to any indemnities that may be paid under common law.

    Persons aged over 70 benefit of this guarantee

    - Following an insurance/assistance claim, if the accident report is not sent within 24 hours after the claim, all fees originated by the insurance/assistance proceedure will be charged to the client directly, and will not be refunded.

  • Can I choose the color of my car?

    No. Tax-Free vehicles, once returned, are sold by the manufacturer in its used network cars without being identified as ex-TT. Storing a vehicle is an extremely expensive operation, so it is very important that these cars are sold as soon as possible. In order to ensure the sale within a short time, the manufacturer chooses the most sellable colors (sober, for the most part). Only the model, engine, transmission and accessories can be chosen.

  • What documents should I provide?

    Depending on your status, nationality and country of residence, the documents requested will vary. The following documents must be provided in all cases:

    - A copy of your valid Passport (or national identity card for DOM and TOM residents)
    - A copy of your valid driving license
    - The order form (this document will be available for download at the end of the reservation and will be pre-filled with the information provided at the time of your order)

    • If you are of European nationality, and live in the overseas departments or territories, you must join:

    - A return certificate
    - Two water or electricity bills in your name (one dating from over six months, and your last bill)
    - (French Polynesia only) A copy of your CPS Card

    • If you are of European nationality, and reside outside of the EU, you must join

    Choose only one:
    - A copy of your valid consular card, visa or resident card
    - Two water or electricity bills in your name (one dating from over six months, and your last bill)
    - Your last tax notice
    - A residence certificate issued by the consulate, town hall or police headquarters

    Please be advised that your documents must be uploaded to your personal account or sent via email to info@renault-usa.com at least 35 days prior to the delivery date of your car.

  • How long in advance do I need to book my car?

    The correct answer is: as soon as possible. The number of vehicles is limited, meaning that if you order late, the vehicle you want may no longer be available.

    You can order up to 21 days before the delivery date, provided that you send us your complete file within 24 hours maximum by email at info@renault-usa.com or by uploading it in your personal account.

  • What countries does the insurance cover?

    The United Kingdom is not included in the contract. If you try to visit England with one of our vehicles, you will have to pay VAT calculated on the price of the vehicle in brand-new condition including extra equipements and add customs duties.

    Our vehicles are covered by a full comprehensive insurance in the following countries:

    Bosnia and Herzgovina
    Czech Republic
    San Marino

  • Are the vehicles delivered with snow tires in winter?

    Our vehicles come equipped with "all-season/summer" tires, which provide optimal performance on dry, wet, or rainy roads whenever the temperature is above 7°C.

    Some vehicles may also feature "Mud and Snow" tires. However, in regions where winter tires are legally required, these are not recognized as approved winter equipment.

    Optionally, you can have your vehicle delivered with winter tires by paying an additional fee.

  • Where can I see and download the car manual
  • I will be visiting several European countries. What are the laws of each country?

    The customer must seek information on the current legislation of each country visited and comply with all local laws. We cannot be held responsible for an infraction comitted due to a lack of information.

  • Misuse Of The Vehicle

    If any red or orange warning lights appear on the dashboard, you must stop immediately and call Assistance, which will provide the procedure to follow. If you choose not to go to a garage, it will be considered misuse of the vehicle and any repairs will be at your expense. Any misuse validated by the Renault warranty will be charged back to you (e.g., clutch failure, etc.). Please remember to respect your vehicle!

  • Can I return my vehicle outside of an approved center?

    If you don't return your vehicle to an approved Renault Eurodrive center, charges apply:

    Same city as planned return center: You pay routing costs plus extra (parking, storage) by Renault Eurodrive.
    Different location: You pay routing costs plus a penalty (€500 in France, €1,500 abroad).
    Please arrange returns 5 working days before your due date via email. Ensure you're reachable for confirmation.

    For Lisbon and Porto returns, call the centers directly:

    PORTO: +351 22 996 64 27
    LISBON: +351 21 846 27 97

    The approved centers are:


    Santiago de Compostela

    Paris Orly
    Paris Roissy CDG

    Milan - Linate
    Milan - Malpensa


    Geneva (French side)

  • I kept my vehicle longer than established by my initial contract

    In the event of a contract overrun beyond the initial car return date (without prior extension), overrun costs will be charged. The overrun rates are €140/day

  • I had an accident, and my my vehicle is immobilized. What happens next?

    To ensure that your journey can continue, Renault Eurodrive provides you with a rental car as replacement.

    Your rental vehicle is of a maximum equivalent category depending on availability.


    • Renault Eurodrive insurance conditions will apply to the rental vehicle (full comprehensive insurance, with no excess).
    • It is not necessary to subscribe additional services from the rent-a-car company. You will not be reimbursed for any extra costs (insurance, franchise surrender, etc.) if you choose to subscribe to extra options.
    • The rental of the replacement vehicle will be done through a traditional car hire company, so you will be asked for a credit card imprint.

  • Can I extend my contract after delivery?

    Yes, it is possible to extend your contract during your stay by calling the extensions service. In order to do so, you are to provide a credit card number and your car registration. The insurance covering the new contract duration will be sent to you by email.

    Depending on the extra number of days you requested - and if the time permits - the new insurance will be sent to you by ordinary mail at an address of your choice.

    Here is the contract extensions telephone number:

    ☎ 01 76 84 99 00 from France
    ☎ +33 1 76 84 99 00 from abroad

    And the extension rates:

    All models 70 euros / day

    In case of a contract being "exceeded" beyond its initial return date (without prior extension), an overage
    fee of €140 / day will be charged (RENAULT & DACIA ranges)

  • Can I buy additional insurance, and visit a country not covered by Eurodrive insurance?


    Even if, legally, you would be insured and authorized to drive your vehicle in a country not included in your contract, you are going against your contractual obligations.

    If necessary, Eurodrive assistance will not be able to intervene in a country other than those included in your contract.

    A practical example, experienced by customers in the past:

    A client buys an additional insurance, at his own expense, in order to visit a country in northern Africa (not included in the territorial coverage by Eurodrive insurance). Everything runs smoothly, until the driver decides to return to Europe to drop off his vehicle. At the border, the vehicle was stopped by the customs.

    The driver is asked to pay for the VAT on the price of the vehicle, in order to be able to leave the territory with the car, in the meantime the car is blocked by the customs. The driver refuses, and abandons the car.

    The driver is now liable for any expense emanating from the procedures necessary to recover the vehicle (unblocking it from customs, transport, new insurance, routing, parking, etc.) may be charged.

  • Can I modify my order before delivery?

    You may modify your reservation at any time. All changes are subject to the maker's approval and are therefore not guaranteed.

    If the vehicle has already been registered under your name, all modification requests will be refused. Cars are registered 35 days prior to the pick-up date.

  • When should I send you my documents?

    A tax-free leased car is brand new, fresh out from the factory - often awaiting fabrication.
    The car is registered and insured under your name, before being prepared and dispatched to the delivery center for pick up, so a minimum of 21 days is required for a delivery in France. This period is extended for deliveries abroad and can go up to 42 days in some cases.

    If, however, the vehicle is already manufactured stored in a distribution center near the delivery center of your choice, it is possible to shorten the delivery time, provided you send us all of your documents within 24 hours. For all urgent requests (less than 21 days), please contact us by clicking on the "Urgent Request" link below:

    Urgent Request

  • How and when do I contact the assistance ?

    In addition to a comprehensive insurance and the manufacturer's warranty, your contract includes 24/7 assistance.

    The telephone numbers for Eurodrive Assistance are:

    ☎ 01 84 95 96 97 from France
    ☎ + 33 1 84 95 96 97 from abroad

    Email: das@ima.eu

    If your car is being repaired:

    Once the repairs have been completed, the customer must recover the vehicle from the garage where it is immobilized within 24 hours.

    • The client must check the legislation of each country crossed and comply with it (authorized countries, traffic regulations, tolls/vignettes, etc.).
    • However, the CRIT’AIR sticker is no longer required in France for new vehicles traveling under the Temporary Transit regime.
    • No compensatory travel allowance will be granted to the client following a claim.
    • Any medical expenses incurred during the stay in Europe (authorized countries) may be covered (up to €5,000 per injured person).
    • Once repairs are completed, the client must collect their vehicle from the garage where it is immobilized within 24 hours.
    • For rental vehicles, no reimbursement will be granted to a client who has purchased an additional service. Only the GPS is covered by Assistance. The rental vehicle is covered by the original TT EURODRIVE insurance.
    • Personal effects, stolen items, and accessories are no longer reimbursed.
    • Following a claim, if the declaration is not sent within 24 hours, the service provided will be charged to the client and there will be no possible reimbursement.
    • Never drive with the original registration document, only with a copy. In the event of loss or theft leading to its non-return, a sum of €500 will be charged.
    • For more details, please refer to the Road Book – (see link)

    For more information download the 2022 Travel Booklet here

  • Can I buy my vehicle at the end of the contract?


    Clients who have a current TT Eurodrive contract and wish to keep the vehicle in Mainland France only once their contract ends. The buyback is therefore inclusive of all taxes. The client or their relatives (family/friends) must be able to provide a residence address in Mainland France in order to obtain their registration document.


    A depreciation (ranging from 10% to 25%) is applied to the total price of the vehicle with options. It is essential to contact your TT Eurodrive customer manager to obtain an exact all-inclusive buyback price. In addition to the buyback price, there is the cost of the new Registration Certificate because the vehicle changes from “Temporary Transit” customs status to “France registration.”


    No later than 15 days before the return date, the agent or the customer provides the TT EURODRIVE contract number to the customer managers by calling the following number from Mainland France + DOM/TOM:

    01 76 84 99 00 (from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., except French public holidays)
    From abroad: +33 1 76 84 99 00,
    Or by sending an email to adv1.eurodrive@renault.com or adv2.eurodrive@renault.com.

    Within 48 hours, we will inform you of the buyback price (by email or telephone). Any TT buyback request made after the vehicle has been returned cannot be taken into account.


    The customer will be put in touch with a “used vehicle” sales representative at the RENAULT Boulogne Billancourt branch, who will manage the commercial transaction and handle the administrative procedures for issuing the new registration. Unless otherwise required, the customer will not need to travel in order to have their vehicle inspected. The RENAULT Boulogne Billancourt branch can also offer a financing solution upon the customer’s request. The customer must take out insurance that will be effective as soon as the TT EURODRIVE contract expires.

  • Company

    Auto Turistica Iberica S.L.
    Calle Lola Flores 16
    18022 Madrid
    CIF: B78843281

    RenaultUSA | AutoTT are brands of the Auto Turistica Iberica Group (ATI) and Renault Eurodrive entirely dedicated to the buy back lease, or Temporary Transit.
    Born in 1982, we have distinguished ourselves by an impecable service and a flawless analysis of our customers' needs.

    Historical partner of all makes of buy back lease, our team has over 70 years of experience in the TT market, and will be able to advise you in all stages of your stay.

  • Contact us

    ☎ 800-294-5905 Toll free

    ☖ RenaultUSA | AutoTT

    Contact form : Use our contact form